Sierra Leone Elections: Let peace, will of the people prevail-Movement 


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Africans Rising, a Pan-African movement, is advocating a free, fair and peaceful General Election as Sierra Leoneans go to the polls on Saturday, June 24. 

“By all means, they must prevent a resurgence of violence in order to avoid undoing the progress gained over the years,” the Pan-Africans advised. 

A statement issued by the group, initialed by Ann Njagi, the Communications and Media Specialist, and copied to the Ghana News Agency (GNA), Accra, said it was imperative that the polls reflected the will of the people. 

“We also urge all election players and actors to exhibit maximum moderation and avoid any provocative words or acts that could lead to violence. 

“We call on the National Electoral Commission to carry out its constitutional role in a free, fair, verifiable and transparent election without intervention from internal or external forces,” the statement noted. 

It appealed to the citisenry to exercise their right to vote in a peaceful manner, abstain from all acts of violence, and shun politicians who preyed on the “gullibility of the youth” to engage in political violence. 

“Africans Rising affirms our unflinching support to fellow Africans in Sierra Leone. 

“If there is any disagreement with the electoral process, we recommend political parties to use all available peaceful procedures to address any complaints.” 

Sierra Leone, an emerging democracy, with an approximately eight million population, goes to the polls for the sixth time after years of civil and political unrest. 

In early 2020, an Afrobarometer survey revealed that 80 per cent of the people surveyed believed that politics “often” or “always” leads to violence. 

The survey also showed that more than half of the population experience violence at political rallies and events. 

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