The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has come under fire from a variety of sources for his views on the E-Levy, which Akufo-Addo shared on his Facebook page.
Netizens are condemning the Asante King after he indicated that if they want progress, they must be willing to pay the e-levy. They claim the Otumfuo was bought with money.
The assailants are requesting that the Asantehene advise his “friend” Akufo-Addo to put Ghana’s taxes to good use and refrain from consuming expensive items.
The attacks came after the Asantehene stated that it is not the role of MPs to set the agenda for the government. As a result of the impasse over the 2022 budget, he asked the legislative branch not to obstruct the executive branch’s ability to carry out its responsibilities.
Otumfuo I will advise you to stay out of this so that the respect some of us get for you will remain….. but if you decide not to then be prepared to go into the gutters with us
- Akufo-Addo May Not Respect You But Tell Him Ghanaians Are Suffering – Otumfuo Charged
- We stand with you if you reject the “monstrous” e-levy – PPP to NDC MPs.
You bribed him with the gold coin idea and as usual, he is dancing to your corrupt music. Our problem is bigger than we think. As a king with enough gold at your disposal, you should look beyond a gold coin, renegotiate the royalties agreements to the best interests of your subjects. I wonder if our leaders really have conscience.
These old men think we still living in the primitive age. With the gold in the Ashanti region, what developments can you boast of Ohene? Pls, we have given you so much respect is about time you shout up if you don’t have anything to say. To whom much is given, much is expected.
Ask why his subjects don’t call him king Solomon anymore. Was it not the same Chiefs and kings who sold their subjects to the white man? That institution has never cared about the poor masses.

I don’t know why people give too much respect to him. Asantehene and so what? Be a chief in your region and stop this. people say he is wise but I don’t see him like that oo because a chief who sat down for foreigners to destroyed his land. Mr. chief check your home first.
And what is his business with who determines policy for who? I hope he knows what oversight means in a democracy? This thing of arrogating to himself the fountain of wisdom and know-it-all can’t fit into every narrative. What Parliament is doing isn’t determining policy for the Executive but holding the latter to check as per the arrangements in our governance process. He should concentrate on making the chieftaincy institution better and accountable and stop interfering in partisan politics.

Talking as what, we must be serious in this country. They are elected members of parliament who represent the views of their constituents. He should stick to chieftancy issues. If decides to go political, then he should also be prepared for criticisms. 🙌🏼
Was he the one who was frustrated by dumsor and complained ? Same person saying this? How much was he given for his celebration and the gold coins 🤔
They come to you. Give you more. And tell you what to say.
The last time they didn’t give you money, you exposed them for the prepared speech they gave you. God is watching. One day all these old irrelevant institutions would be swept away!
What about govt frustrating the people? Is that legitimate? I reserve my comment
Otumfuo…parliament is not supposed to be a rubber stamp for the executive. They can reject policy proposals that do not favour Ghanaians.
The gov.t too shouldn’t frustrate the populace with nuisance taxes to make life unbearable for us.
. U cover up ur whole body with gold n yet ur ple are the most poorest. It very sad how these old people are treating the new gens
How do we deal with leaders who speak foooolishly??
Has he lost touch with reality or he is on something! Just asking for a friend.
King… we beg u keep driving in ur left to right lane…… but in this right to left lane it dangerous
I think he wants to officially join politics, so insults awaits
You will do if we started talking to you anyhow, some people will be saying nonsense.
I really want to insult u our king but I will just hold my mouth . I wonder why u can’t speak against this government
If I could read and understand this statement by Otumfuor, it means he is indirectly holding and telling the NDC MPs they are responsible for the stand-off in the budget approval. It is rather unfortunate.
3ny3 wo fault,if you talk like this,why won’t they steal ur gold in abroad
What does Otumfour mean? Should the MPs allow the government to introduce the elevy?Because that seam to be the bone of contention now
No wonder!! After gold coin commemoration to himself what do you expect from him? But no worries, nature is dealing with everyone equally at the appointed time.
Pls don’t allow ur self to be disrespected because of politicians.